You were created to influence the area around you. You may not feel like that. You may not believe it. You have too many problems. Maybe you can’t influence yourself.

I have to be honest. Your thoughts are wrong and they’re lies. I’m not being harsh. I’m being honest. God has given you gifts because He gives gifts to all. These gifts are to be used for His glory. Even if it’s our sad story.

The hard times in my life have been my greatest testimonies of victory. People look and say, “you made it through that”, or “you don’t look like that happened”. Believe this, your gift needs to be in operation, even through your tough times.  What you’ve gone through can help someone else.

Live your greatest life now by activating your gift for God!

22 Replies to “YOU! ”

    1. Thank you so much for commenting. People are going through a lot in their lives right now. Wouldn’t it be great if we understood that what we are going through will help to encourage someone else to pull through their situations too?

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s true. We don’t cause all of our problems and if we view our problems as lessons, we can learn and grow from them.


    1. I’m so glad that He’s God and no, He has NOT forsaken us. He continually teaches us and takes care of us, even during the hardest of times. Thank you so much for commenting!


    1. Thanks Kecia! We don’t realize that what we’re experiencing is building us for the next stage of our lives. God has a way of preparing us that we aren’t able to see at the time.


  1. I like that you just straight out called it and said our thoughts are often lies. So often, my thoughts are not uplifting to myself and it can easily spiral down a path I don’t want it to go. So yes, replace the lies with the Truth. Yes and yes. Thanks for this reminder 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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