The Journey Begins..

via The Journey Begins..


It’s almost been a year since my last blog post (Aug. 2019). I’m still posting on Facebook, (be sure to follow me there,

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Since my last post, both you and I have gone through seasons and holidays and we are presently and seemingly, walking through the COVID-19 pandemic.

How’s it going for you? Your family?

I’ve been praying daily for people to stay well, get well, stay strong, remain or become mentally fit for the challenges that we both endure and face daily. Being an essential worker, I’ve experience several stressful days with all that’s been happening. Thank God for prayer, it’s kept me sane.

Are you a first responder or an essential worker? How have you dealt with working through this pandemic?

My household was split down the middle economically. We’re still struggling to stay afloat. We’re trusting God to keep us and doing what we can to cut costs.

I’d love to hear from you. How are you coping? Air out your feelings.

Don’t Do What They’re Doing!

Recently, I’ve been studying how to listen to the voice of God. I’m working to train my ears to always hear Him in the midst of everything. I know that God is always speaking, my issue is always hearing.

Today, in an attempt to rush to my vehicle I decided to follow a tall gentleman and hop over some mud that stood between me and my car. Now, please understand that I stand at all of 5′ 3″.😁 Needless to say, I almost made it, except that my flip flop slipped and muddy water splashed all over me. Gross! 😵🤮🥺

I’m sorry to say that I had a melt down. Although not as bad as I would have years ago, thanks to some needed maturity! (Thank You God!). I wiped off what I could while moving the car to another location.

A little while later I was able to clean some of the dirt off of me. While dreaming about the shower that I would take as soon as I got home, I began to think about the situation. I started speaking to the Holy Spirit, asking, “why did I do that?”

The answer came immediately. “Why were you doing what they were doing?” (Two people had jumped over the mud). I became convicted. I can’t do what other people do. I can’t live like others live.

What would have happened if I stopped and prayed about it? It would have taken a moment to hear God say to walk around. The area is always muddy and I ordinarily walk around. Why did I decide to follow the crowd?

I’m learning to depend on God and not on myself and here was a classic example of the simplicity in doing so. I had to wait for my appointment while being mud-drenched and dirt streaked.

How often do we do something without seeking God? What are the consequences of not taking the time to listen? How much better would life be if we would just listen?

Are we still following the crowd? How’s that working for us? Does it lead us down the wrong path?

Are we afraid to walk on our on fearing that we will stand out?

Here’s what the Bible says…

Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord . Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you.
2 Corinthians 6:17 NLT

God has placed in you a temple where He can live. When we accept Him into our lives we are changed. Think about it, police officers shouldn’t act like criminals and criminals don’t act like the police. Caterpillars turn into butterflies and never return to crawling. After they learn to fly they continue to fly for the rest of their life.

Here’s another…

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.
1 Peter 2:9 NLT

We are just not the same anymore. Especially, if we’ve surrendered or lives to Christ. A change takes place. It’s an immediate change that continues to grow in us.

If we learn to embrace the fact that we’re changed and are, in fact, changing, it begins to resonate in our minds and in our actions.

I’m still learning and definitely still growing. I have found God to be the greatest Father because He shows His patience through our process. He’s wonderful!

I don’t know what you are experiencing today, but let me encourage you. Don’t do what they’re doing. Speak openly and honestly with God, your Father. After you’ve poured out your heart before Him, listen. I mean, stop what you’re doing and really LISTEN. He’s going to say something to you and no matter what it is, IT’S GOING TO BLESS YOU.

August Prayer

Hello April!


It’s the first of April!

What have you planned for the next 30 days of your life?

I created something AMAZING with PicsArt. Take a look

Rescue Me!

I trust you, Lord, to be my hiding place. Don’t let me down. Don’t let my enemies bring me to shame. Come and rescue me, for you are the only God who always does what is right. Rescue me quickly when I cry out to you. At the sound of my prayer may your ear be turned to me. Be my strong shelter and hiding place on high. Pull me into victory and breakthrough. For you are my high fortress, where I’m kept safe. You are to me a stronghold of salvation. When you deliver me out of this peril, it will bring glory to your name. As you guide me forth I’ll be kept safe from the hidden snares of the enemy— the secret traps that lie before me— for you have become my rock of strength. Into your hands I now entrust my spirit. O Lord, the God of faithfulness, you have rescued and redeemed me. I despise these deceptive illusions, all this pretense and nonsense, for I worship only you. In mercy you have seen my troubles and you have cared for me; even during this crisis in my soul I will be radiant with joy, filled with praise for your love and mercy. You have kept me from being conquered by my enemy; you broke open the way to bring me to freedom, into a beautiful, broad place.
Psalms 31:1‭-‬8 TPT

Federal Employees!

I Will Be Your Father!

This is God’s greatest desire. He wants to be our Father.

God wants to be Who you run to first. He wants to fix our problems, lead, guide and direct us.

A father protects and takes care of his children. It’s our choice to want Him as our Father.

And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

2 Corinthians 6:18 KJV

It’s 2019!

My prayer for you is that 2019 is your best year ever!

I pray that you will receive all of the love, grace, mercy, communication, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, instruction, direction, peace, health, wealth and success that God gives.

I pray that you will find rest and peace of mind in God’s arms.

I pray that your home, your family and your job is blessed.

Don’t forget to Start Clean in 2019!Give yourself the gift of Unwinding in God for 2019!