Blessings Upon Blessings!

I pray that God will bestow blessings upon blessings into your lives and into mine!


Bestow Blessings?

Have you ever wondered how to get to a point where blessings will come?  I’m not saying that you’re not blessed.  I’m talking about the times in your life when every single thing goes WRONG!  When every corner that you turn leaves you feeling more depleted than the one before and you don’t feel any blessings at all.

There are times in my life when I’ve been tired of being sick and tired.  I’ve suffered spiritually, emotionally, financially and physically.  All of this would leave me feeling drained mentally.  Can you relate?  The old me, (because I’m new now, yeah), would wallow in depression and have severe panic attacks.

Lift Up Your Head

I couldn’t see the forest for the trees.  People may have told me things were going to get better but I refused to see or hear it.  Even coming out of my many situations kept me in a state of blindness.  I always wanted to tell someone how unfortunate I was.  It was almost impossible for me to lift up my head.

Lift Up Your Head!

Now when I look back and even when I deal with hard times today I stop to see the blessings.  I learned to look for the blessings in the midst of what I go through.  Some people might have done things differently than I did in my life, but then I wouldn’t be where I am or have who and what I have.  There’s a reason to lift up your head even when things are going horribly.

I learned that God continually bestows blessings upon His children and I am a Child of God, so that includes me. 

For some people, divorce is the last stop with no coming back from it, for me it was a learning experience that gave me 2 of my greatest gifts, my children.

For some, losing loved ones stops them in their tracks, for me, while it still stings, after I lost my mother as a child, I was forced to get my life together.

For some, dealing with brokenness and loneliness takes every bit of strength from them, for me, it showed me that I could make it through the dark times in my life.

You see, God does bestow blessings upon blessings, throughout every stage of our lives.  You may have seen and experienced horrible, unspeakable things and yet you are here today, stronger and more experienced than ever.  Your story is tailor-made for someone who needs to be encouraged and know that they can really face tomorrow, because you have.  The blessings are those of strength and resilience.

Don’t go another day without thanking God for His blessings.  He continues to present, I mean, bestow, them upon you constantly.  He sends sunshine and rain.  He provides food, clothing, shelter, peace of mind, health and comfort.

What blessings has He bestowed upon you that you can say, “Thank You” for?

via Daily Prompt: Bestow

25 Replies to “Blessings Upon Blessings!”

  1. This is very inspiring. I was in my lowest low last year, totally lost. My friend told me that everyone will disappoint us, but not god. So I started my spiritual journey and I’ve never felt this good.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. God is good! We experience so much in life. When we welcome God into our lives He carries the burden for us and leads us through the darkest and lowest areas and brings us out victoriously without a scratch! Stay on your spiritual journey, God won’t disappoint!


  2. I’m glad to hear that you are feeling better. Depression is a deep dark hole and it’s hard to get back up. For me, my husband is the one that always pulls me back on track. It’s hard, and it’s important to see the little victories as well. Wish you well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I believe in celebrating the slightest victories. It helps to get us to our Grand Celebration (we each have something different that we’re striving for).


    1. I’m so happy for you! 10 months ago is so recent. You are alive! I’m celebrating with you! Blessings upon Blessings! God Bless you!


    1. It’s great to have a positive attitude towards life. While it’s scriptural, it’s also natural that we reap what we sow. Thanks for commenting.


    1. Thank you. God continues to bless us through all that we go through. I appreciate your comment.


    1. It’s amazing that we sometimes don’t see that we made it until after the storm has passed. There’s a blessing in making it through.


  3. This is such a beautiful post and I love reading posts that have a way deeper and spiritual meaning behind them. I am beyond happy things are doing better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. God is good. I have many up and down days. I’m just grateful that God enables me to hold my head up through all of it.


    1. I don’t either. I thank God! I keep a song in my heart with these lyrics,
      “Don’t forget to remember where all of your blessings come from”
      “Don’t forget to honor where honor is due”
      “Don’t forget to give thanks to The ONE Who put you there”
      “Don’t forget where your blessings come from”
      This song stays in my heart because I don’t want to take God for granted. He’s the Blesser and I always tell my kids, don’t stop at the blessings, get close to the Blesser!


  4. Every morning I wake up, I see it as a blessing. Every day I go through I see it as a blessing. Each and every one of us is blessed in all the small and big ways that sometimes we don’t even notice. Love the positive vibes from this post.


  5. You have such a positive outlook on things. I guess I just have felt I faced an uphill battle in so many different ways after my divorce. I never felt like God wasn’t seeing me through it, or teaching me things. But sometimes it’s hard to think of it as a blessing. But i do know God works everything together for good.

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